Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Monday, July 30

Softball Weekends

So...sometimes I forget what happened in a weeks time until I go back through the pictures in the camera. And last week I posted early Saturday morning before our weekend festivities began! Craig played softball in Beaver Dam and I decided after breakfast to pack the kids up and enjoy the weather. The kids had fun and were silly, as you will see below.

Surely there must be something in there for him too!

Of course Kelsey had to look also:)

Chillin' in her big girl chair, giving that stuffed animal (I say that loosely
because I still don't know what it really is) the stare down.

Kevin and Drew hanging in between games.

And the result of playing outdoors for 4 hours.

Then this weekend Craig played in the infamous Manitowoc Kenny's tournament. We've attended every year unless someone was getting married (and in July the odds are pretty good for a wedding to be that weekend). The weather was great and the company was super. The only downfall was, of course, on our way home. When you just want to BE home already, we entered orange construction barrel h*ll, half way home. The traffic came to a crawl and then a dead stop. It took us over 20 minutes to go about 2 miles. It's never a good idea to close an interstate down to one lane in the summer, city of Port Washington - why do you have to fix EVERY BRIDGE at the same time? I was worried the kids were going to wake up and be hungry and we'd be stuck in no mans land. Thankfully Drew kept sleeping and Kelsey kept talking to the window...or her foot...or the seat belt...or her stuffed animal...or any"thing" that would listen!

Drew with Jax and Brady

Kelsey being silly at grandpa and grandma's

We gave Craig's parents this entertainment stand when the kids
started crawling. We put our TV up on the wall - now we know
we made the right decision!

Kelsey and grandma's dog Carter, checking out the neighborhood.

Saturday, July 21

Flash Dance

Let's see...what have we been up to this week? We FINALLY got some much needed rain! I think it rained for over 6 hours here - such a relief since we had half of our front lawn dug up and re-seeded so Craig has been watering EVERY DAY since June 10th. All the while I had been threatening we would need to take a second job to pay the water bill for the summer:)

Otherwise the kids have been checking out new parks in the area with the babysitters. We took the kids out to eat with us last night...realizing we wanted to BE outside in this gorgeous weather, and after finding out the zoo closes at 5p.m. I was a little disappointed:( I guess I never had to know when the zoo closed so it never occurred to me that it would be "early"). So we went to a nice Irish pub that has super outdoor seating (it also seems that if you are outdoors and your kids don't want to cooperate, it's not as obvious!). But the kids did great - we even shared some dessert! They got a little itchy before the food came; we were pushing the dinner time limits with them since we had to wait for Drew to wake up from his afternoon nap and then hit some minor rush-hour traffic. But we let Drew out of his chair to explore and as soon as the food showed up, he was ready to settle back down.

Oh, and I almost forgot why I called this post "Flash Dance". Kelsey's hair has been out of control, like usual. So every day I'm interested to see what she looks like when I get home from work - Craig doesn't "do" anything to her hair. I just send along a bag of hair clips/ties and the sitters fix her hair when she gets there. Well, yesterday the nanny put her hair in a pony and then put a hair band on. After the nanny left, Kelsey was just cruising around the living room and she decided she would reposition the band. She looks like she's gonna lead an aerobics class! Ah that girl never lets me down!

She even got dad to wear it!

I HAD to post a pic of my little buddy - I love his concentrating face:)

Sunday, July 15

He's Got The Fever!

Well, not anymore. Late Sunday evening I picked Drew up after his nap and his skin felt like it was ON FIRE! I took his temp and it was 102.5. Oh crap - what infection was he brewing up? Craig had started a nasty cold, sinus pressure/stuffiness that progressed into severe sore throat and body aches (and eventually I had to get him a z-pack). So we gave him some Tylenol and he slept til 4 a.m....when he woke up screaming! Again, he was on fire, brought him into our bed, took his temp - 101.9, gave him Tylenol and he *kinda* fell back to sleep before we had to get up for work. He went to the babysitter and was fine. Monday night before bath time, he started getting lethargic and his fever was back up. He cooled down a little during his bath, needed Tylenol again but slept through the night. I worked early Tuesday morning, so I didn't get to see Drew before going to the sitter. Craig said he wouldn't let go of his bear or his milk cup. But apparently after his morning nap at the sitter's, he was better.

So the fever went away but he became SUPER clingy and cried without incidence. He was still eating good and sleeping like normal. Now I was thinking it might be his teeth. It's amazing how different Kelsey and Drew are. I put my finger in Kelsey's mouth on her back gums and she has molars on all sides - we never would have known, she didn't make a peep. Drew's always had the harder time teething. His molars and eye teeth are all coming in and he does NOT like it. So we switched to Advil to help with the pain. We still don't know what caused the high fever but it passed and we all moved on!

Yesterday we went to the Lettenberger twins 4th birthday party. It was a big celebration, carnival style! It was hot but we had fun eating hot dogs, watching kids get their faces painted and playing in bounce houses. We love our little boy friends and can't wait for Jax to be "tube-free" soon!

He's actually not feeling too good in this pic...the one below shows him
laying in his chair. He never lays down unless it's bed time!

Again with his cheese grin - every time he sees a camera!

This is what happens with both kids try to use the slide;)

Sunday, July 8

Hot, Hot, Hot!

I don't think I have to tell most of you how uncomfortable the weather has been around here! We've struggled to find a time to get the kids outside and if it didn't happen early in the morning, we would lose our chance! By mid-day, the heat and humidity was so extreme you couldn't breathe; the air was smothering. It was even a little difficult to be outside on the 4th; we were all a sweaty mess.

But finally the heat broke and I was able to open ALL of the windows last night. It is so fantastic this morning to be able to enjoy summer once again.

Yesterday we went to a graduation party and the kids were loving all the new people to play with. We had put sandals on them knowing we would be on concrete and let's just say walking WITH shoes is a whole different ball game! Kelsey's been practicing a new combination of sounds; this week it's "owie dowie". And she repeats it over and over in her own little language. Drew's been doing a little more talking in "his" baby talk; usually he just does sounds, even mimicking the dog's bark:) (like I NEED a second dog barking is this house!) 

We are gearing up the next couple weekends for birthday parties and softball. Gotta love a busy summer!

Watching the parade and eating a sucker with Grandma

Watching the parade with Auntie. It was too hot for a shirt!

At the graduation party (brought our own toys)

Drew found a friend to play trucks with

Monday, July 2


So I haven't taken a whole lot of pictures the past week because the kids have been CRABBY! They've had a little bit of a cold and at least one is teething every other day. There has been tears for no reason, gunky eyes, chewing on thumbs, gross diapers, and short tempers that have resulted in lots of hitting/fighing between them. And I'm not sure they are at an age where you can discipline them where they understand. We do scold them and separate whenever there is hitting or biting (oh yeah, Drew's a biter!) but it seems that they think it is funny. There just hasn't been enough patience in the world to deal with all this this week! Deep breaths...this will pass.

When they ARE in a good mood, they have been walking around the house like pros. They get into everything possible. Kelsey's hair is growing like a weed, with cute curls that spring up in the back. They are starting to look more like kids and less like babies (sad face). As I was packing clothes up for a friend to borrow, I came across their preemie outfits and can't believe they ever wore them - they are SO TINY!

A side note: something totally bizarre that a cashier said to us the other day, "Oh how cute! How old are they? They must be like 9 months apart." Really? Does that even make sense in your head lady? When we told her they were twins, she said, "Well, then the boy MUST have been born first." Umm, at this point we just smiled and walked away! Gotta love the people of Wal-Mart:)

TWO cars! Oh, believe it that they still fight over one!

Watching morning cartoons.

Morning meltdown! He couldn't be with the rest of us and settled over her
with his milk.