Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Monday, December 30

Most Wonderful Time of the Year

By the time we did Christmas at my mom's, the kids were starting to figure out this holiday. Although, Kelsey was telling people it was her birthday, hence all the gifts she was getting:) We would give her a gift and she would exclaim, "What IS it?" Too sweet. This was the first time in their lives that they opened gifts with excitement, recognized what the item was, and were thankful to have it. After opening gifts for past 3 days, Drew just thought it was common place to walk into a new house and receive presents! So he would stroll in and say, "Time to open presents now?"


"It's Adorable!"

Big Tractor

Uncle Derek showing Drew how everything works

Doc McStuffins check up kit

Their own tablets!!

Using her doctor kit to check Auntie Cassandra's blood pressure

Thursday, December 26

Winter Wonderland

The Bonin family celebrates Christmas the weekend before and it seems like every other year there is a major snow storm to accompany the celebration. We started it off Friday night and concluded Sunday afternoon, watching the weather reports, waiting for the snow to take a break. Lots of playing between the big cousins and the little cousins, sledding, yummy food, and staying up way to late giggling! Always good times with the fam.

A. Yes, he's wearing Santa slippers. He LOVES them.
B. He kicks his leg up like this all time when he's chillin' on the couch.
(I had to capture it)

Wearing clip on earrings from her princess jewelry box

Auntie Cher!

Cousins pic! Someone did NOT want to participate.

Playing in all the snow we got Sunday instead of Saturday night!

SCORE! Awesome basketball hoop.

Dancing with Minnie

Saturday, December 21

It's Only the Beginning

We celebrated the first of many Christmases Sunday with our dear friends the Lettenbergers and their friends, the Carvers. The kids are definitely closer to independent play and jumped right in with 5 year olds Jax and Brady. It was a very nice, relaxing afternoon - delicious food and drinks, and always great company.

Drew's Lego train

Kelsey's doll house

The best hosts and friends!

Monday, December 16

Oh What Fun It Is

We borrowed sleds from our neighbor friends to find out which sled the kids would like best (or if they would even enjoy it). Well, of course Drew jumped on the one that looked like a snowmobile -he's such a boy, loves anything that moves/has wheels! And Kelsey was just happy to sled! We are lucky that our front yard slopes just enough for the kids to get a fun ride - and they don't have to big of a hill to walk up to sled back down. They actually started using the front walk steps; it was just easier than to keep slipping/falling in the snow.

She eats snow like its a treat. Craig talked to her
about what colors of snow are safe:)

Thursday, December 12

Snow Fun

Trying to get home from my dad's place Sunday...there was a multi-car accident 2 exits
ahead and they were diverting 3 lanes of traffic onto 1 off-ramp. Good thing we had left
over snacks from my brother's party in the truck and LOTS of movies to occupy the kids.

So as soon as we got out of that mess, we had to play in all the snow!

Helping mom brush off her car.

Can't believe how dark it was at 4:30

Just likes to fall in the snow

Monday, December 9

Hello December, My Old Friend

This year we are hosting Christmas. Since we weren't really in the spirit of the holiday last year, I am more than excited to decorate and put the tree up. We have most of the gifts bought but I haven't decided how the kids will react to wrapped gifts under the tree that aren't for them. Kelsey keeps saying, "Mom, it's Christmastime??" And hopefully we can get her to sing holiday tunes since she has a great memory and an affinity for performing!

We had a nice time visiting everyone on Thanksgiving. The kids are the only "little people" on my mom's side and Craig's family so their presence is requested quite often and they enjoy all the attention. There is even that uncle who digs in his pockets to give the kids money for their piggy banks! On Saturday Kelsey and I helped with Aunt Cassandra's baby shower. Kelsey was so content eating M&M's and watching Minnie Mouse on my phone, you hardly knew she was there. She helped open gifts, sang her favorite songs - twinkle, twinkle and ring around the rosy.

(I started this post a week ago and realize it is OLD! Sorry, just consider it an update!!)

My brother turned 30 this past Sunday, so his brother-in-laws through him a "Beer for Diapers" man-shower and then the ladies came later to celebrate his birthday. We went to my mom's house early Saturday morning and tried to see Santa at the town fire station. Thankfully it was also a pancake breakfast because they wanted no part of Santa. Anytime someone asked Kelsey about seeing Santa, she said, "he's scary." So we left it at that - Drew indulged on 2 huge pancakes and Kelsey ate 3 cups of applesauce and a pancake, so they enjoyed part of the adventure. My step-dad is a volunteer firefighter and Drew has gone to the station with him before and was able to crawl up and sit in all the fire trucks. Then on Saturday he didn't want to leave because he saw the couple trucks left in the garage behind the food and thought that he should just get to sit in them!

The kids making a "bridge" - the theory is good but not the right materials!

Before the bridge collapse and he ended up on the floor.