Oh that Drew! He loves shoes - he loves my shoes, wants me to always put them on, pulls them out of my closet for me. He LOVES that he has many shoes - options galore but he does get stuck on a favorite pair and then I have to make a big production out of a new shoe so that he will be excited to wear them (especially when we grows out of a pair). I should have expected nothing less when he found my shoes early one morning that I had taken off after coming home late the night before from a wedding. He thought they were the greatest thing. And of course Drew was trying on that fabulous orange hat - a whole unique outfit:) He didn't even want to give them up for Kelsey to try on.

The weather has been very wintery over her the past couple days so I pulled out the kids footed pj's. They put them on and both said, "oh, where's my foot?" Totally confused because they are so used to wearing pj separates with access to their toes! But this pic of Kelsey in her pjs and also wearing earmuffs is too funny. They're pink. She'll wear anything pink or sparkly. She's such a girl ;)