Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Friday, April 25


At Grandma Alice's, pulling the garden decor out of her garage

Drew just kills me with this pose.

The weather cooperated for some sidewalk chalk

Aunt Mary investigating Kelsey's dress (it was handmade by our sitter, Arlene!)

Hanging with cousin Jen

And then this happens; Drew had been eyeing up grandpa's motorized cart from the moment we walked past it. Grandpa mostly uses it on any long trips. So we told Drew to go ask for a ride!

Probably a little bit of heaven for the both of them!

And would you expect any less from my sister?? (I don't know if Kelsey is terrified or being silly)

Tuesday, April 22

"Polly Want A Cracker"

I have to really listen to what Kelsey says to me...because she is a movie/cartoon sponge! She has most of the movie Frozen memorized and about every day, out of the blue, she recites a line - totally unconnected to anything we are doing. For 2 weeks she would look down at her shirt and say, "Mom, why do I have to wear this?" She isn't in the phase of questioning her clothing so I wondered why she was having these concerns. Then it hits me - Frozen was playing in the vehicle on our way to my brother's house and usually I ignore anything happening in the backseat. But randomly I hear a little boy say, "Mom, why do I have to wear this?" and it all makes sense. She has said other things from movies but they were more obvious, like from Monsters U, they are in a fraternity (in their mom's house) and a character says, "Mommm, we're doing an initiation!" Now, I know she wouldn't be able to put that sentence together without hearing it somewhere else first!

We did some more egg hunting today (Saturday) with our friends at the local park and then back at their house. It always takes Drew a little time to warm up; he didn't get excited about eggs until we were back at our friend's house. If the weather holds up, there will be yet another egg hunt on Easter Sunday at my aunt's house.

I don't know if it was a fluke, first-timers luck but they made 6.5 innings before they were asking to leave! I'm not sure how much of the game they watched; somehow they stayed content and entertained:)

Kelsey went after mostly purple and pink eggs; Drew blue and green. Total yin and yang.

After the egg hunt - fun on the trampoline!

Saturday, April 19

April Showers

We were excited to participate in our first Easter Egg hunt Saturday. We packed up and headed to my brother and sister-in-law's house before heading to a park in West Bend. The forecast was promising partly sunny skies and warmer temps, so we were just as pumped to be outdoors as we were to hunt eggs. As we left for the park, the rain became heavier :( We parked and Kelsey grabbed her umbrella and headed towards the other kids. We lost my Derek, Cassandra, and Benson amongst all the rain and kids but figured we'd run into them eventually! It was difficult for Kelsey to pick up candy and hold an umbrella and a basket. I guess there were actual eggs on the ground but they scattered the candy in the grass also. The kids were in heaven, picking all the Dum Dum suckers they could find. Kelsey had 3 suckers unwrapped before we got to the restaurant to dry off and have lunch!

This week also kicks off Craig's spring break - and we must have used up all the warm weather last week because they are even predicting snow for parts of the area tomorrow. What a bummer. Those 60 degree days were teasers! Another disappointment this weekend; I dropped my camera trying to juggle my bag, the kid's bag, and a coffee. It cracked and is useless:( Quite literally, when it rains, it pours!We are taking the kids to their first Brewer game Wednesday as a birthday gift, thank God for the stadium roof.

(I REALLY thought I posted this last week. There will be a couple in a row now.)

Sunday, April 6

We are Frozen!

No not the temperature (because it has been beautiful outside these past 2 days) but the movie. The kids received the  movie as a gift from our sitter. Apparently Drew picked it out when Arlene showed them a store flyer and asked what they wanted for their birthday. We hadn't seen the movie before; the Disney channel shows clips of it here and there but otherwise I have no idea how they would know about it. Now I've heard stories from parents talking about how little Suzy is obsessed with movie A and watches non-stop, has it memorized, and so on. Of course Kelsey and Drew were barely 3 so I hadn't encountered anything close to that except during potty training - when you lock yourself in your house for a couple days, movies become your savior. But then it turns into them asking to watch it immediately upon returning home from anywhere. Kelsey was starting to repeat absolutely hilarious lines from Monsters U and Wreck it Ralph. 

Now that we own Frozen, it is ALL. THEY. ASK. FOR! And yea, it's a cute movie the first 5 times but I think there was one day where we watched it 5 times!! And we have the soundtrack that we listen to on the way home from the sitter. Drew is totally engrossed in watching the movie and Kelsey tries to sing along to all the songs:) I admire their dedication, but I'm ready to move on to the next movie - ESPECIALLY since the weather is finally turning into spring.

I don't have any new pictures. But I saw these pics Annie took at the birthday party of Kelsey and her godfather Jason and they are too cute not to share!

For real; two peas in a pod!