Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Wednesday, March 30

Oh Hey, We're 5 Now

This year the kid's birthday fell on the exact day they were born AND it was Good Friday AND it was the first day of spring break! What a crazy couple of days we had! They are definitely at an age where they "get" it - like trying to explain why their birthday is Friday but the party isn't until the next Saturday (to accommodate vacations and holiday plans). Drew was pretty bummed that there wasn't people waiting at home for him when we finished our birthday dinner.

preparing birthday treats for classmates

The kids picked Red Lobster as their birthday restaurant/dinner! Drew ate all his crab legs :)

Classic. Ordered the mac n cheese!

Easter egg hunting in the snow up by my mom at the fire station

Is there a such thing as a non-creepy Easter bunny costume?

Cousins and auntie Tara hanging at grandma's for her birthday (after egg hunting)

Drew got his first gift from auntie Tara - real tree camo for hunting season with uncle Matt

Birthday balloons! (and her cute Easter dress)

Saturday, March 12

One More Snow

Hopefully this was the last measurable snow we will see! The kids LOVED it and spent each day after school playing in it til it melted. Now this past week with temps in the high 50's low 60's has got us burning with Spring fever! This also means we are gearing up for another birthday, which falls on Good Friday this year. They are turning a whopping 5 years old :) Easter is early this year so their birthday falls on Spring Break - my mom's birthday is the next day and then Easter! We will have a very busy 3 days. Craig and I are also getting ready to take a welcomed mini vacation and I think the kids are more excited about sleepovers at grandma's and Arlene's house. I guess that makes it easier for the parents to leave ;)