Drew had his first session of swim lessons the last 2 weeks of June. He is much more timid when it comes to water, especially when it comes up to his shoulders. He LOVES water slides and fountains where, at most, the water came up to his knees. He did so well, that by the end of the second day he was putting his head under water and doing 10 "bobs". And of course all poor Kelsey could do was watch. (We saw the doctor again, took another x-ray, and the plan is one more appt at the end of July with a strong possibility of Kelsey being able to participate in the last session of swim class in August.)
The weekend of the 4th, we celebrated Craig's cousin's wedding. He was the officiant and it was a gorgeous outdoor ceremony. Drew was a DANCING MACHINE! I hope someone caught his amazing moves on camera - he was doing a break-dance spin, the worm, and what he called "a minion dance!" The kids were able to hang with their cousins all weekend too. There were lots of giggles and fun times.
On the 4th, we traveled north to my home town for the parade and picnic. As my cousin's children get older, we have quite the group of littles with us now (handing clothes down and around just like when we were their age!) Kelsey has also started dance this week. She does 3 hours, which includes ballet, jazz, and tap. She loves them all, especially since there are fancy shoes to wear for each dance!
Our broken kid vs. our new "fish" |
These 3 have been buddies since K &D were 3 months old and started going to the sitter |
Wedding selfies |
Clearly, there is a gender difference in our house |
Come on with these 2 |
Drew hugging the fire dog at the parade |
The next generation of trouble-making Stahl cousins! |
God Bless 'Merica, Y'all |