Well, we had a good go of winter. The kids managed to get 1 minor cold back in December. Then Saturday night after the birthday party, Kelsey threw up 4 times. I attributed it to all the frosting she ate - because that's all she ate off of her cake! (and the color of the puke, but I'll spare you the details). Drew was kinda out of it Sunday afternoon and crabby Monday. They both had low fevers Monday and Kelsey was starting this crunchy cough. Oh h*ll no, I thought - we have PICTURES Tuesday! It would be par for the course; last year we didn't plan accordingly and it was daylight savings, so we were an hour off which caused Drew to skip a nap. And that kid NEEDS to nap! Of course I was a little worried he would be uncooperative and I left the session thinking, "I know Christy is talented but can she create happy, beautiful pics when my kids just weren't into it?"
So this year, same song and dance. Drew had melt-down after melt-down for the first hour of the session, like wanted to LEAVE the building. Kelsey's nose was dripping something fierce but she was overall happy. Then "trying" to get all of us together, in the same general area for an actual family photo was next to impossible. One saving grace was that the Chicago 'L' passed by the window about every 10 minutes to distract Drew from his crabbiness. We also hopped over to Montrose Beach to get some outdoor pics but the breeze coming off the lake was unbearable. Drew was just loving being outdoors and I so wished it would have been a tad warmer for the kids.
There is already a sneak peak on Christy's blog and hopefully we will have ALL of the pictures in a couple weeks. Have a great Easter holiday - we are praying the kids feel better so we can attend an Easter egg hunt at my aunt's (who dresses up like the Easter bunny too!).
Thursday, March 28
Monday, March 25
2 Two-Year Olds!
Officially today the kids have turned 2! We had such a great "train" party, celebrating with our families. They have grown into such different little people. They are fairly independent of each other; Kelsey is polite, quieter, and shy. Drew is silly, loud, a show-off, and still learning his manners. We aren't even talking about moving them OUT of their cribs.There is only a little talk of using the "potty". Drew actually talks about pee a lot lately and will tell you when he stinks. They eat and sleep well, although we are working on liking our vegetables more! Drew's been waking up at night for about 15 min, I rock him back to sleep, put him back to bed and there is not a peep out of him after - hope it's just a phase he's in;) Kelsey plays with her fake food and pots; always stirring/mixing/pouring some goodies into our cups and bowls. Drew has been obsessed with balls and swinging a fake bat, then asking us "where'd it go?" (as if he hit some grand slam bomb). Lots of talk also about "BIG CARS", even when I tell them it's a truck and try to get to say truck, they look at me funny. The sitter's grandson has "monster" trucks that the kids love playing with and I suspect the Easter Bunny might put one in their basket:)
We can't WAIT for Spring - bring on the warmer weather and fresh air, trips to the park and playgrounds. The kids are so much fun at this age and we are enjoying watching them grow.
We can't WAIT for Spring - bring on the warmer weather and fresh air, trips to the park and playgrounds. The kids are so much fun at this age and we are enjoying watching them grow.
A little pre-party stretch |
A pre-party snack |
Drew not only blew out his OWN candle multiple times, but Kelsey's too! |
Blue frosting overload - it didn't agree with her tummy later :( |
"Refurbished" Powerwheels truck, courtesy of Uncle Derek |
Sometimes the party girl needs a nap! |
Monday, March 18
We made our first "furniture fort" this weekend. I was wadding my way through laundry and had been folding sheets in the living room. Kelsey thought this was the bees knees, so she quickly crawled under, between the couch and coffee table. So I thought why not secure it down and let them play. They took their "buddys" and drinks under the tent and just giggled away! That is until Drew thought it was funner to jump ON the sheet, destroying my fort. The whole experience was short lived but it was different, silly fun :)
Kelsey has been talking our ears off; sometimes we don't know exactly what she's saying (although she looks at us like we should respond). Her big phrase right not now is "Buuuhhh bye, seeyater." And she says it to EVERYONE we pass on our way out. She's getting to be such a little lady, being so polite, carrying her purse around, and going shopping with mom.
Drew's on a kick of asking where everyone is...repeatedly...even if I answer him...even if I give him a bizarre answer. From the back seat of the car, Drew will say, "Momma, Momma, were's da? Were's da?" I say, "At work." "Were's Doe? (Joe,the sitter's husband) "At his house." "Were's Benny? (the sitter's grandson) "At his grandma Arlene's house." (So I said the buzz word grandma, which they won't say but LOVE saying grandpa) Kelsey says, "Oh I wan Pahpa".
We spent a significant portion of our weekend working on the basement. It's been a looooonnnnngggg process since the flood in May but the hard work Craig has put in on the floor and walls is amazing; you'd never know there was 8 in of water flowing through to the drain on the opposite end side of the house. The electronics that were sitting in front of the window "waterfall" is another story:( So far we've lost a dvd player, surround sound, and possibly the Wii. Boo. It's always something, right??
Kelsey has been talking our ears off; sometimes we don't know exactly what she's saying (although she looks at us like we should respond). Her big phrase right not now is "Buuuhhh bye, seeyater." And she says it to EVERYONE we pass on our way out. She's getting to be such a little lady, being so polite, carrying her purse around, and going shopping with mom.
Drew's on a kick of asking where everyone is...repeatedly...even if I answer him...even if I give him a bizarre answer. From the back seat of the car, Drew will say, "Momma, Momma, were's da? Were's da?" I say, "At work." "Were's Doe? (Joe,the sitter's husband) "At his house." "Were's Benny? (the sitter's grandson) "At his grandma Arlene's house." (So I said the buzz word grandma, which they won't say but LOVE saying grandpa) Kelsey says, "Oh I wan Pahpa".
We spent a significant portion of our weekend working on the basement. It's been a looooonnnnngggg process since the flood in May but the hard work Craig has put in on the floor and walls is amazing; you'd never know there was 8 in of water flowing through to the drain on the opposite end side of the house. The electronics that were sitting in front of the window "waterfall" is another story:( So far we've lost a dvd player, surround sound, and possibly the Wii. Boo. It's always something, right??
Monday, March 11
So I've come to realize how much better I feel going into the kids' 2nd birthday. And I know "better" is a vague term but I guess it means I feel better than last year this time. I was worried or stressed all of the time last year and the first year of their life. I thought, "what did I get myself into?" a lot that first year. I was never "comfortable", wondering if I could be doing it better. I was exhausted, feeling that I was just floating through life and not experiencing it. There were things I wanted to do with the kids (and Craig), some "firsts" for the family but would quickly decide against it or not even make it an option when my anxiety about it would overwhelm me: what if the kids cried through the whole thing, what if it wasn't "fun", what if it's more work than it should be. REALLY what it was, was that I couldn't relax enough to just LET GO and let life be. Which is hard when you feel like if you aren't 'on' all. of. the. time. you might forget something, 'someone', and it was YOU that dropped the ball. I never shared the responsibility. Sure Craig helped but I felt like why should both of us worry or be exhausted. I took the brunt of child-rearing that first year and felt worked-over by their first birthday. I was ready to run away.
And then the kids started "doing" stuff on their own and there wasn't a baby hanging on you every second of the day. And you start to figure out how to "do" life incorporating babies, who are turning out not to be such babies anymore. And then you realize in order to "live", it's okay to step back and take an hour for yourself, or 5 more minutes in the shower to actually wash the conditioner out, or go to some of the restaurants you enjoyed pre-kids (just maybe at an earlier time so you can be seated away from others). We are growing and learning together. And right now it feels like these are the LONGEST days of my life but in reality we will be sending these kids off to college soon and we'll be wondering just 'where' did the time/days/years go?
And as we plan their 2nd birthday party, life feels just a little more figured out. I always like to have a plan and I like to anticipate but kids do not let you do that! With everything the last year has taught me about living in the moment and not worrying about the things you can't change - I'm still learning to figure that out and to realize it's okay NOT to have everything planned, to decide on a whim to go ANYWHERE.
Which reminds me of...
"You have brains in your head
You have feet in your shoes
You can steer yourself
in any direction you choose
You're on your way
And you know what you know
And YOU are the one
who'll decide where to go...
So be sure when you step.
Step with care and great tact
and remember that
Life's a Great Balancing Act."
~Dr. Seuss
And then the kids started "doing" stuff on their own and there wasn't a baby hanging on you every second of the day. And you start to figure out how to "do" life incorporating babies, who are turning out not to be such babies anymore. And then you realize in order to "live", it's okay to step back and take an hour for yourself, or 5 more minutes in the shower to actually wash the conditioner out, or go to some of the restaurants you enjoyed pre-kids (just maybe at an earlier time so you can be seated away from others). We are growing and learning together. And right now it feels like these are the LONGEST days of my life but in reality we will be sending these kids off to college soon and we'll be wondering just 'where' did the time/days/years go?
And as we plan their 2nd birthday party, life feels just a little more figured out. I always like to have a plan and I like to anticipate but kids do not let you do that! With everything the last year has taught me about living in the moment and not worrying about the things you can't change - I'm still learning to figure that out and to realize it's okay NOT to have everything planned, to decide on a whim to go ANYWHERE.
Which reminds me of...
"You have brains in your head
You have feet in your shoes
You can steer yourself
in any direction you choose
You're on your way
And you know what you know
And YOU are the one
who'll decide where to go...
So be sure when you step.
Step with care and great tact
and remember that
Life's a Great Balancing Act."
~Dr. Seuss
Saturday, March 9
There's A Theme
Drew's been plugging his ears |
Silly kids |
He's a "whistle-blower" |
This is where the themes start...last post she was wearing the "block bag" on her head, this time the beer box. |
Maybe she's gonna be a hat person! |
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Another recurring event in the playroom...Drew getting stuck in the cozy coup, mostly because he sticks a leg UP |
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He also likes to tip the cozy coup on its side and tries to drive it or just sits in it. |
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Then he runs to the kitchen to make a call :) |
Friday, March 1
Ack! It's March!
So....again it's been 2 weeks since the last post and I'll just go through what's been going on with us!
Well, last weekend the kids spent some time with Grandma Linda while we attended a memorial benefit for my cousin Stacie and her kids. We had some very enjoyable adult time while Kelsey and Drew kept my mom and step-dad busy. Kelsey's new words are "I sorry" "I touch" and "Papa", which she told me all about "Papa, yum yum, hiiiiiiiiiiii, mommy, yum yum, Papa" when we came over to my mom's Sunday for lunch and my step-dad was in the kitchen and Kelsey was pointing at him and the food in the oven. Drew's new dance is "I like to move it, move it". He just giggles away!
Again we were digging out of all the snow! Craig had his first snow day this season - which couldn't have come at a better time since Drew was up the night before with a fever. He ate/drank fine during the day and slept like a "baby" the next night. Then he had diarrhea. Soooooooo it could have been a touch of the flu (the sitter's grandson threw up that morning) or some sort of 2 year molar thing. Kelsey was her normal, silly self so we are just counting our blessings that Drew's "illness" didn't last long and somehow Kelsey avoided it.
Drew had has first real haircut Thursday. We had been cutting his hair for the past year but with their 2 year photos coming up we figured he could use some professional help! Craig went first so that Drew could get a feel for the salon. He wasn't interested at first, so I held him in the chair. I would say Drew made it through 95% of it, holding his buddy and getting hair everywhere because he did not want to wear the protective "cape". Now he looks like 23 months going on 5! Haircuts always make him look older.
And another month has snuck up on us! It is March which means there will be 2 2 year olds in this house at the end of the month. So that means we have to start planning a party, letting go of our "babies" and welcoming "toddlers". Un-fricken-real how fast it has all gone by.
Well, last weekend the kids spent some time with Grandma Linda while we attended a memorial benefit for my cousin Stacie and her kids. We had some very enjoyable adult time while Kelsey and Drew kept my mom and step-dad busy. Kelsey's new words are "I sorry" "I touch" and "Papa", which she told me all about "Papa, yum yum, hiiiiiiiiiiii, mommy, yum yum, Papa" when we came over to my mom's Sunday for lunch and my step-dad was in the kitchen and Kelsey was pointing at him and the food in the oven. Drew's new dance is "I like to move it, move it". He just giggles away!
Again we were digging out of all the snow! Craig had his first snow day this season - which couldn't have come at a better time since Drew was up the night before with a fever. He ate/drank fine during the day and slept like a "baby" the next night. Then he had diarrhea. Soooooooo it could have been a touch of the flu (the sitter's grandson threw up that morning) or some sort of 2 year molar thing. Kelsey was her normal, silly self so we are just counting our blessings that Drew's "illness" didn't last long and somehow Kelsey avoided it.
Drew had has first real haircut Thursday. We had been cutting his hair for the past year but with their 2 year photos coming up we figured he could use some professional help! Craig went first so that Drew could get a feel for the salon. He wasn't interested at first, so I held him in the chair. I would say Drew made it through 95% of it, holding his buddy and getting hair everywhere because he did not want to wear the protective "cape". Now he looks like 23 months going on 5! Haircuts always make him look older.
And another month has snuck up on us! It is March which means there will be 2 2 year olds in this house at the end of the month. So that means we have to start planning a party, letting go of our "babies" and welcoming "toddlers". Un-fricken-real how fast it has all gone by.
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She's holding a 'bean' mouse which she has "adopted" from the sitter. She sleeps with it and carries it around... |
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This is what happens when there is a snow day with dad! |
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Uhhhhh huhhhhh, getting hairs did |
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He had to sit facing me |
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And when your hairs are done good, you feel good, so you act silly! |
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