Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Monday, May 16

This Post Brought to you by the Letter B

Baseball - Ballet - Bonins.

 Drew has started baseball and man is he excited about it! Every day he comes home from practice or a game, he tells it was the best one ever! He's the youngest one on the team so we had the talk about how he might not start every game but he will bat every time. He seemed cool with it. I told him that when he's 6 and 7 he'll be the older kid and probably get to play first.

Kelsey had her dance recital on Sunday and I was finally able to see what she has been learning! She refuses to show us anything at home (my kids are still pretty shy about some stuff). It was a new venue for the show and the seating wasn't all that great (neither was the lighting). Regardless, she wore a sweet little ballet dress and looked adorable in her ballet bun:)

Monday, May 9

Just another day

Life in pictures (and not many...). We have some fun stuff coming up with Kelsey's ballet show, Drew's gymnastics show and first "real" baseball game. We absolutely enjoyed the weather the past weekend and are excited for summer to get here!

Silly kids went to Starbucks before school on fun Friday with on of their favorite ICS teachers! 
Saturday morning laziness...

A beautiful April Saturday, taking our first bike ride to our friend's house